Application No  {{apiresponse.applicantNo}}       District {{apiresponse.district}}       Applicant  {{apiresponse.applicant}}    Date  {{apiresponse.createdAt | date: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"}}   

Applicant's Name  {{apiresponse.customerName}}                                     Name on bill  {{apiresponse.nameOnBill}}        

Address where meter is required  {{apiresponse.adddress}}                    

State  {{apiresponse.state}}                 LGA  {{apiresponse.lga}}                 Village/Town {{apiresponse.villageTown}}                     

Additional Address Information  {{apiresponse.secondAddress}}           Address Landmark  {{apiresponse.addressLandMark}}         

Phone No  {{}}           Alternate Phone  {{apiresponse.altPhone}}           Email  {{apiresponse.customerEmail}}      

Type of premises/building {{apiresponse.typesOfPremise}}    Number of floors  {{apiresponse.noOfFloors}}          Number of flats  {{apiresponse.noOfFlats}}             

Use of premises  {{apiresponse.useOfPremise}}         Type of Request  {{apiresponse.typeOfConnection}}                        

Account number(s) for which meter is required {{apiresponse.accountNumber.toString()}}                        

Old meter number (if any)  {{apiresponse.oldMeterNumber}}                            Meter Type Requested  {{apiresponse.existingConnection}}                         

Current billing information:  {{apiresponse.currentBillInformation}}                                                  


  1. Meters installed cannot be moved from the property for any reason other than the demolition of the property and EEDC must be informed in writing to carry out the removal.
  2. The type of meter shall be decided after pre-installation survey of your premises.

If you have any queries, please contact us on 08150825365.