62 Okpara Avenue Enugu,
Enugu State.
Application ID: {{demandnotedata.applicantNo}} Date Issued: {{demandnotedata.demandIssuedDate | date: "dd/MM/yyyy"}}
Dear Mr/Ms./Mrs. {{demandnotedata.customerName}}
Address: {{demandnotedata.address}}
District: {{demandnotedata.district}}
We thank you for your continued patronage and are delighted to inform you that your application for meter installation at the above address for account number {{demandnotedata.accountNumber}} has been approved. Meter recommended is {{demandnotedata.meterRecommendation.name==='1-Phase'?"Single Phase":demandnotedata.meterRecommendation.name}}. Your MAP vendor is {{demandnotedata.vendorFullName}}.
You are requested to make the following payment
Amount: N{{demandnotedata.amountToPay?demandnotedata.amountToPay:demandnotedata.meterRecommendation.cost | number: 2}}
Remita Payment Reference: {{demandnotedata.mojecOrderReference}}
Bank: Any bank branch
Amount: N{{demandnotedata.amountToPay?demandnotedata.amountToPay:demandnotedata.meterRecommendation.cost | number: 2}}
Bank Name: {{demandnotedata.assignedMapVendor.bank}}
Account Name: {{demandnotedata.assignedMapVendor.accountName}}
Account Number: {{demandnotedata.assignedMapVendor.accountNumber}}
Immediately after payment, submit the duplicate copy of deposit slip and this letter of DEMAND FOR PAYMENT to MAP Metering Helpdesk at your district.
Should you have any question, please feel free to call our metering helpline @ 084700100, 08150825500,08150825365 or email: customerservice@enugudisco.com.
Warm Regards
This is a system generated document hence no signature required
Please Note: Write your EEDC Account name as the depositor's name on the bank deposit slip when paying for meters at the bank.
Also note that this letter of demand is valid for 30 days from this date of issuance.